We are indebted to those who so regularly give of their time for the benefit of our small community and wish to thank:
COMMUNITY COUNCILLORS - Donna Dingwall, Kerry Kirkland, Hilda Young, Gloria Gibson, Chris Allan
HALL TRUSTEES - Kenny Brown, Niki Lamond, Kay Dennis, Neil Dewar, Derek Connor, David Roulston, Fraser Smith
TEALING DEVELOPMENT TRUST - Directors - Sandra Burke, Diane Begg, Kenny Brown, Kerry Kirkland, Mike Bisset, Lorna Campbell, Lynne Taylor and David Roulston plus former steering group founder members Niki Lamond, Tipper Thomson and Hilda Young who periodically attend the meetings
COMMUNICATIONS TEAM (Facebook, Twitter, newsletter and website) - Sandra Burke, Kerry Kirkland
AFTERNOON TEA GROUP FOR SENIORS - Carol Roulston, Sandra Burke, Kay Dennis, Eileen Strang and several host families
VILLAGE EVENTS & OTHER PROJECTS - Caroline Brown, Gerry Hocking, Richard Gibson, Gill Crockett, Margaret Thomson, Alison Wiseman, Tom Burke
BOOK SHED - Kirsty Muir