News Archive
For the News Archive 2009-2011 click here
(This section and the link above is preserved as a record of village news from 2009 until 2017 in case it is of interest to anyone delving into the past. It was overtaken by our social media channels and the regular newsletter TEALING FORWARD)
July 2017
We met with senior safety engineers from BEAR Scotland and Transport Scotland on 5 July to discuss the terms of reference for the Safety Review they are about to do this summer. Based on the accident statistics of the last 5 years, The Tealing junctions have been identified again as an ACCIDENT BLACKSPOT and we are asking for:
1. The study to look at the number of accidents from the Fintry roundabout all the way up to the Glamis junction.
2. A 50mph limit along that whole stretch of the A90 - supported by the average speed cameras being installed this year.
3. Acceleration and deceleration lanes at all of the junctions.
4. Improvement of the central reservations.
5. A pedestrian overpass at Inveraldie.
6. The study to also look at speeding convictions and penalties applied on the stretch through Tealing - are the courts becoming more lenient?
They said they would look at all of these aspects, plus apply all of their standard safety review processes and will report back with recommendations later this year. We've invited the review team to a public meeting in the village then to announce and discuss the findings. They did repeatedly emphasise the limitations of public sector budgets at the moment, but said they were strongly committed to improving safety on the A90 and shared that objective with all of us who live here. Making the A90 safer through Tealing is the community council's highest priority and we will keep the pressure up.
30 May 2017
Community Council calls for urgent A90 junction safety improvements.
In the wake of another serious accident yesterday on the A90 near Petterden, Tealing Community Council is piling on the pressure for safety improvements on the junctions along the stretch between Inveraldie and the Glamis turn-off.
Speaking today, community council chair, Sandra Burke OBE, said “the last full safety report, commissioned by Transport Scotland, took place in 2012 and resulted in some minor improvements, including clearer signage. The five-year review is due this summer, but the high accident rate has continued and is completely unacceptable. Leaving, entering and crossing the junctions on this stretch, which cuts right through the village, is increasingly dangerous as the amount of traffic on the road continues to increase.
We welcome the recent announcement that average speed cameras will be installed this summer between Dundee and Aberdeen, but it’s just not enough to safeguard lives. We need much more than that to make the road safer for residents, drivers and pedestrians. This has been an accident blackspot for over 20 years, including several heart-breaking fatalities.
We want the Scottish Government to urgently consider installing proper acceleration and deceleration lanes at the junctions, a 50mph limit between Fintry and the Glamis turn-off plus the installation of a pedestrian fly over.
Community and elected representatives are meeting with BEAR Scotland in Tealing on 5 July to start scoping out the safety review. We welcome the meeting; in fact it can’t come quickly enough. Much more must be done to make this stretch of the A90 safer for all users.”
29 Dec 2016
Sad News - Graeme Reoch, Former Community Council Chairman
We are very sorry to hear that Graeme Reoch, former Community Council Chairman and an active supporter of many local groups in the village over the years, passed away peacefully in Ninewells Hospital on 17 Dec. Graeme was a fine example of someone who cared deeply about Tealing and the local community and he will be sorely missed. Our thoughts are with his wife Jacqui, family and friends. The funeral is on Wed 4 Jan at 12.15pm in Murroes Church, to which all friends are respectfully invited.
21 Nov 2016
Latest Tealing News from Tealing Community Council (TCC)
- Tealing Christmas Fayre and Christmas Tree Lights Switch on will be at Tealing Hall on Sunday 4 Dec from 3-6pm. Fun for all the family, 19 market stalls, caf, animal stall (little donkey, sheep and pony), carol singing, prize raffle and visit from Santa. All welcome and please bring family and friends to join in the fun.
- Donations are needed for the prize raffle and can be handed in to the school office until Friday lunchtime on 2 Dec. Please look out anything that you are happy to donate – those spare bottles of wine or chocolates that you never open would be most welcome. All proceeds will go to the Parent Teacher council for the benefit of the school.
- The Hogmanay family event in the hall is fully booked with 130 folk coming along. There will be a disco, some Scottish country dancing, stovies supper and Pipe Major Richard Smith piping in the New Year! Just a reminder for those booked in to bring your own booze and nibbles. There will be a prize raffle on the night and prizes for the best woman, man and child dressed in tartan!
- We are starting a Contact the Elderly monthly afternoon tea group for local residents over 75 living alone. Thanks to all the volunteers who have already volunteered to host an afternoon tea or be a driver. More volunteers are needed and please also get in touch if you would like to nominate an older person to participate as one of the monthly guests. The local contact is TCC Secretary Kerry Kirkland at or contact Angus organiser Jean Malcolm to volunteer Find out more about this simple, but life-changing initiative to counter loneliness and isolation at and like the local Facebook page at Contact the Elderly Angus and the Mearns.
- The three year planning permission renewal by SEA-GREEN for the building of a Converter Sub-Station (to process the energy from the planned off-shore wind turbines) on the site of the current sub-station near the airfield is currently under consideration by Angus Council and is likely to be discussed at Committee on 8 Dec. The community council has objected, but Angus Council Planning has indicated they likely to recommend renewal of the approval.
- Caravan in the field on Tealing/Auchterhouse Road - Angus Council has served a Unauthorised Development TEMPORARY STOP NOTICE, which can be seen at No planning application has been received by the council at the time of writing.
- A90 Road Safety Improvements – TCC Chair, Sandra Burke and community councillor, Alan Slade, have reviewed the 2012 Report & Recommendations by Transport Scotland that led to the improved signage and lighting at the main junctions. The reports states that the improvements should lead to a reduction in the number of accidents, which doesn’t seem to have been achieved. We therefore intend to invite Transport Scotland to a public meeting in Tealing Hall in Feb/Mar 2017 to hear from local people and to agree the terms of reference for the next FIVE YEAR REVIEW, which should take place next year. Details of the meeting will be widely publicised and we are hoping for a good turn-out. The 2012 report and recommendations is available at
- Tealing Primary School - dates for the diary. As well as participating in the village Christmas Fayre on 4 Dec, there will be the Creepy Crawly Christmas Show on 20 Dec (tickets on sale from the school office) and a Burns Celebration on Thurs 26 Jan 2017. Congratulations to the school too on the success of the monthly Community Caf events at the school. It has been wonderful for local people to see around the school and to hear the children singing – everyone has been made most welcome and it’s great to see our school thriving at the heart of the community.
To keep up to date with village news as it happens, please be sure to follow these channels:
Twitter: @TealingVillage
Facebook: Tealing Community Council
4 July 2016
June "Tealing Hall 200 Club" Winners List
1st George Anderson
2nd Alison Scott
3rd Graham campbell
4th Anne ramsay
5th Moira Haggart
6th Tom Burke
7th Jim Lindsay
8th Iain Turnball
9th Mary Middler
10th Sandy Duncan
11th Dorothy Clark.
2 July 2016
Christmas Date for the Diary
The Community Council and Hall Committee have pencilled in the date of Sun 4 Dec at 4.30pm for the Christmas Tree Lights switch on and service at the hall. We hope our schoolchildren will be singing some Christmas carols and that Santa might even pay a visit! Watch this space and keep checking Twitter and Facebook for the final details.
May/June 2016
Tealing Primary School has a new head teacher, Mrs Elaine Greenhill. Mrs Greenhill has made an excellent start in the school, organising a very successful fund raising Open Day on Sat 25 June which raised £1000. She has also been in talks with the Community Council and will be working closely with them and other local groups to help ensure that the school is at the heart of the local community and open and accessible to all. We welcome Mrs Greenhill to Tealing, thank her for her warmth, friendliness and enthusiasm and wish her a long and happy time at TPS.
Feb 2016
Tealing has a new Community Council
After the community council reached the end of its term in Oct 2015 and no-one came forward to stand, it looked like decades of active community council support for the village would come to an end. However, thanks to one last push from long standing community enthusiasts Kay Dennis and Sandra Burke, a full team of 8 local volunteers came forward and Angus Council formally reinstated the Community Council in Feb. Find out who your community councillors are and how to contact them
November 2014
Tealing Hall Management Committee
Annual Report 2014
2014 has been a massive year for THMC, The major event was purchasing our Hall from Angus Council through a Community Asset Transfer. This was a lengthy and demanding process over a 2 year period but very pleased to announce that the transfer is now completed.
There were a number of complications for Tealing Hall Management committee owning the hall. To overcome these problems we have changed our structure to a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation and our title will now be Tealing Hall SCIO. The hall is owned by the members of Tealing Hall SCIO; to become a member you have to live in the Tealing area or be a hall user. As an SCIO we are required to have a board of Charity Trustees. We presently have 4 trustees, however, our constitution requires us to have between 5 and 8, we intend to increase our trustees tonight to meet our statutory requirement. The full complement of Charity Trustees are now Ian Reid, Harold Haggart, Graham Campbell, Alan Slade, Rev. David Collins, Dr. Joseph Morrow, Graeme Reoch and Alex Strang.
We regret to announce that Bessie Coventry will be giving up the role of Hall Keeper at the end of the year. Bessie has been doing the job for the last 20 years. Bessie is very professional and a great asset for our hall. It is unlikely that we will find a replacement with the required qualities. We are presently looking at alternative methods of hall keeping.
Financial Highlights
We were a beneficiary of Miss Bowie’s will, last year we received an interim payment of £ 6,050, this year we had a final payment of £2,715.
We regret to announce that Margaret Mitchell our Secretary /Treasurer for 35 years has decided to call it a day. She will be sorely missed. As well as her Secretary / Treasurer duties, she managed the 200 club. Again we need to thank Margaret for the problem free operation of the 200 club over many years. There is a great deal of work involved in managing the 200 club and it is unlikely that we will be able to get a replacement. We are presently looking at ways to simplify the operation of the 200 club so that managing it will be less demanding.
There have been 4 major projects this year.
- Makeover of the waste ground at the rear of the hall, this was being used for fly tipping and bonfires, we had to remove 30 years dumped waste material. The area now has access paving and part of the area is now seeded with grass. The area is now an asset to the community, however we still have further work to carry out.
- We were awarded funding of £14,288 from Angus Environmental Trust to make energy savings in our hall. Major modifications and replacements were carried out on the heating system, all of our light fittings have been changed to low energy units, and we have fitted high quality insulation to the rear area of our hall. We expect to reduce our total energy costs by 40% in the future.
- We have installed a fire detection and alarm system to our hall. This was a requirement to meet Fire and Safety legislation.
- We were awarded £6,800 to refurbish our rear hall and to create an Internet cafe. This work is nearing completion.
Presentation of Bouquets to Margaret Mitchell, Ella Hutchison and Bessie Coventry by Rev. David Collins.
Margaret Mitchell, our Secretary Treasurer for over 30 years, resigned at the AGM. Margaret will be very difficult to replace, particularly her key role in running the 200 Club.
Bessie Coventry, our Hall Keeper, has been in the role for 20 years and she would like to take things a bit easier. The committee have concluded that it would be extremely unlikely that we could recruit a suitable candidate with the required qualities and commitment required. The committee have made some proposals that includes a cleaning contract and we would hope to continue operating successfully without a dedicated hall keeper in the future. Bessie will not be completely leaving us. She will continue to act as hall keeper for the Wednesday Club and the Church.
Ella, Bessie’s assistant, will also be taking things easier in the future.
We wish them all well for the future.
The ownership and management of Tealing Village Hall has been transferred to the local community. At a ceremonial handover on Tuesday 11 November the newly formed hall trust accepted the keys of the hall from Angus Council. This is the first council owned building to be transferred to community ownership under the council’s community asset transfer scheme . The council’s Communities convener councillor Donald Morrison commended the trust for all their hard work, saying: “The trust has exciting plans for the continued development of the hall, which will keep it at the heart of community life in the Tealing area. “Transferring it from council to community ownership opens the door to a new range of funding and development opportunities, with the community having autonomy over the hall’s future.”
The new charitable trust replaces the former hall management committee.Chairman Ian Reid said: “We are delighted to finally have ownership of the hall and are grateful for the support we received from Angus Council. We have ambitious plans for the hall’s future. We want it to be something the whole community can be proud of, feel they have a stake in and most importantly want to use!
“We have already revamped the waste ground behind hall – turning it from an eyesore into an attractive community space. Future plans include a refurbishment of the middle hall, the creation of an internet caf and IT space for general community use – we have already secured a £6800 grant from Awards for All for this work. ” Ian concluded by saying: “Our goal is to have a welcoming and well equipped space that people of all ages in our community will want to use and enjoy.”
June 2014
The new Kerbside Recycling Service
In September 2012 Angus Council began a trial with 5,200 households in Arbroath, Carnoustie and selected rural areas to test a new recycling service. This enabled households taking part to recycle more materials, as easily as possible including food waste.
The trial proved successful and will be rolled out out as the NEW Kerbside Recycling Service to all but the most rural areas of Angus beginning in March 2014. Before each phase of the new service roll-out begins we will write to householders with further information.
Tealing is include in phase 2 and should begin in June.
- About the NEW Kerbside Recycling Service
- NEW Grey Recycling Bin
- NEW Green Garden Waste Bin
- NEW Food Waste Recycling
- NEW Purple General Waste Bin
Download the
New Kerbside Recycling booklet (750 KB PDF)
Opens in a new window
for more information go to
Friday 16th May 20143pm – 8pm
Tealing Solar Park Ltd has identified the potential for a Solar Park on land atthe former Tealing Airfield, located to the south west of Tealing. The scheme is being developed in partnership with the landowner, Mr. Charles Simmers, and experienced Solar Park developers Renewable Energy Projects Ltd and a UK subsidiary of IZEN Energy Systems NV, Green Ventures. The current proposal is for a 30MW array of Solar PV panels across the southern half of the airfield, extending from the electrical substation to the poultry sheds and down past Muir of Pert. The development will provide enough electricity for over 7,000 homes annually. A public exhibition will be held on Friday 16th of May at Tealing Hall, Hall Road, Inveraldie. The drop-in event will run from 3pm to 8pm and will provide details about the proposed scheme and present findings from the environmental studies that have been carried out by Green Cat Renewables Ltd, who have been appointed by the developer to submit a full planning application in late May 2014. The event represents an opportunity for you to find out more about the scheme, to ask any questions that you may have and express your views on the proposals.
All are welcome. Green Cat Renewables Ltd.
Sunday 27 th April 2014 The waste Ground action day.
The Hall Committee are in the final stages of taking ownership of the Hall and surrounding ground from Angus Council. The ground at the rear of the hall had been used for fly tipping and for burning rubbish for the last 40 years. The Hall committee had a vision of turning this area into a community asset and over the last year have been working towards improving this area.
Phase 1 was completed at the end of 2013 and comprised of removing 40 years dumped material and laying paving to provide safe access from emergency exits. Funding of £3,000 was obtained from Angus Environmental Trust to carry out this work. At the same time we have been running a communication exercise with locals in Inveraldie to change behaviour in regard to dumping and burning rubbish in the area.
Phase 2 comprised of cleaning up and landscaping the immediate area around the hall. To help foster a spirit of pride and ownership in the community we decided to have an action day and sought out local volunteers to carry out the work. This is how the day worked out.
The forecast was for rain and the action day required dry weather, however the rain stayed off and 21 willing and hard working volunteers turned up.
Ron Stewart, Jim Davie, Vikki, Bill and Eric Morrison, Nicki Donaldson, Shelia and Norman Cooper, Joyce and Andrew Barr, Eileen and Alex Strang, Neil Dewar, Harold Haggart, Carole and Alan Slade, Lindsay Hay, Yolanda Archibald, Iris Coghill, Mary & Graham Campbell
The day was a great success; apart from the amount of work completed there was a real feeling of satisfaction and camaraderie in Tealing working together for the community.
We ran out of time to complete all the tasks. We plan to complete these unfinished jobs on Sunday 11 th May. Any new volunteers would be welcomed.
Thanks to all involved, special thanks to Ron Stewart for providing equipment for the clean-up and to Alex Strang for the removal of a very large volume of dumped material.
28 th April 2014 Tealing Primary School Parent CouncilBag-to-School
The Bag-to-School collection will take place immediately after the spring holidays. Bags will be delivered to homes during the week beginning 21 st April 2014. The date for uplift is Monday 28 th April 2014.
The money raised from Bag-to-School is used to help fund school developments and also to subsidise transport costs for school outings. Your continuing support is much appreciated.
18 Aug 2013 Generous Donation of World War 2 WAAF Jacket by Mrs Mabel Langlands
Tealing Community Council Chairman, Graeme Reoch, was delighted to accept the generous donation of Mrs Mabel Langland's WAAF jacket at a small ceremony with afternoon tea in Tealing Hall on Sunday 18 August.
Mrs Langlands, now a sprightly 93 years of age, was wearing the jacket in May 1942 when she plotted the arrival at Tealing Airfield of the Russian Goverment Minister, Molotov, who was on his way to London to meet Winston Churchill to sign the Anglo-Russian Peace Treaty. Part of Tealing's history has come home and arrangements are being made to preserve and display the jacket in Tealing Hall.
Aug 2013 - Calling all Budding Little Highland Dancers!
Is your little one bouncing for joy and in need of a way to channel all that energy? Tealing's very own Margaret Napier School of Highland Dancing for children starts up again after the summer recess at 2.30pm on Sat 17 Aug in Tealing Hall. Age 3 to 16 years, just £3 per session and beginners of all ages most welcome!
Jan 2013 - Calling all budding writers - local competition! Closing date 7 March 2013.
Angus Council has launched a writing competition to mark Tartan Day and is now inviting entries. It would be wonderful to have a winner from this area, so it’s time to get creative. Good luck!
Find out more.