Congregation Decline
On 1st December 1963, Tealing Parish Church was linked with Murroes under the ministry of the Rev. James Kidd. Rev Kidd had transferred to Tealing just over a year earlier, in April 1962. In the 1967 Statistical Account he wrote" church-going has declined for several reasons, though nominal membership stands at 360, public worship is usually attended by 50-60, and about 240 attend Holy Communion. The centre of population has moved from the Kirkton and workers have more free time, whereas, in the past, Sunday was the only day when friends could meet at church".
On 14 December 1982, the congregations of Murroes and Tealing held a service of union in Tealing Church. The united congregations were to be known as Murroes and Tealing and would, thereafter, worship in Murroes Church. The Manse was to remain in Tealing, where it still is today, and Rev. Kidd would be the Minister of the united charge until a new minister was inducted and he could retire. At this time some of the Tealing members also transferred to Auchterhouse Church. Almost 1300 years of worshipping in Tealing Church came to an end when the building closed.