Community Benefit Fund
Recognising the impact of building a large new power converter station in the village, Seagreen Wind Energy has set aside around £300,000 as a Community Benefit Fund for our area. Part of this has been set aside for the award of several Micro Grants to be made (of around £500 each) for a wide variety of small projects over the next few years. These are administered by the Community Council and application forms are available from Kerry Kirkland Micro Grants are fabulous for helping to get community improvements done quickly, so do get in touch and apply if you have a good idea.
The rest of the fund will be administered by a local development trust run by a group of local volunteers. In 2022, the steering group commissioned a village-wide community research and engagementexercise undertaken by Scottish community development charity Outside the Box. Residents from all parts of Tealing responded enthusiastically, providing a rich seam of ideas and suggestions and with remarkable consistency over what the priorities should be (see the links below for what we learned from the research).
As a result TEALING DEVELOPMENT TRUST LTD was set up in Feb 2023 and is firming up the plan of action for the next few years. Progress is being reported regularly on a variety of communication channels including the village newsletter, on Facebook and Twitter, at local clubs and groups, at further consultation events and at the Trust's AGMs. All Tealing residents are invited to become active and supportive members of the trust. WHO WE ARE AND WHAT WE DO - find out more.